PRIMARY LEVEL TRACK PREVIEW: Cherine Muirhead (Available Jan 9)
The full video will be available on Jan 9
Montessori Reading Series Materials in the Homeschool Environment
I would like to share our experience as home schoolers in implementing the Montessori Reading Series materials 3-6. Montessori Reading Series work can appear confusing for home schoolers, who are trying to piece together the curriculum from various resources and based on what they are seeing online. My hope is to help others understand how the Reading Series (Pink , Blue and Green) work and to adapt the materials to a homeschool environment. I will share our experience in what worked for our children, as well as what did not.
This presentation will help you better understand the materials, and where to find and create the resources you need for home use. You will develop an understanding of how the materials can be adapted to your home school environment, and to the individual needs of your children.
About Cherine Muirhead
Cherine is the creator and owner of the blog and education website Making Montessori Ours. She is a former Director, Program Coordinator and facilitator of two community based organizations for at risk families and children. According to Cherine, “While this was rewarding work, my work as a parent was yet to come. Montessori, and particularly the philosophy was a beautiful fit for our family, and we have been homeschooling and making Montessori ours for the past 7 years.” Making Montessori Ours was created to share her family’s homeschooling story and journey, in hope to pass along some of the resources and information they have acquired along the way.