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Simplysewn is a small Etsy business providing affordable downloadable visual schedule cards for the Montessori classroom or homeschool to assist children in focus and independence. The visual cards include work choices from the six areas of the Montessori primary (3-6) classroom: practical life, sensorial, math, language, science and geography. These cards can be an invaluable tool in helping struggling students find and complete meaningful work.

I created these visual schedule cards after attending the MACAR (Montessori Applied to Children At Risk) training at the 2015 AMS conference. I used similar cards with my own son who was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of three (he is now 20). These cards can be used with children who have specific disorders such as AD/HD, Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders or Sensory Processing Disorders as well as those students who are struggling to focus in the classroom.

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