Jonathan Wolff

Adaptive Leadership

Adaptive leadership, an approach developed by Heifetz at Harvard, offers leaders an opportunity to understand their organizational communities in a systemic and developmental way. Due to staff and time constraints, Montessori leaders too often take on the role of chief cook and bottle washer with little time and energy left over to think strategically or plan the future of their school community.

Especially during times of economic stress, budgetary constraints and enrollment challenges, Montessori leaders need ways to increase their effectiveness, not their workload.

Join us in this workshop with expert Jonathan Wolff to help you navigate the changes and challenges, planned and unplanned, that inevitably occur in the life of a school leader.

About Jonathan Wolff

Jonathan has over 30 years of experience in the Montessori field, as an AMI credentialed teacher, school leader, keynote speaker, author and trainer. The primary focus of his current consulting practice is on leadership development – designing best practices and writing books and articles that enhance individual and organizational performance. Jonathan has an incisive ability to apply Dr. Montessori's educational constructs to training adults. His creative, interactive programs, his humorous and inspiring teaching style, and his deep insight into the needs of people and organizations are in high demand by organizations around the world.

Where to find Jonathan:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 760.473.8344

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